What's the deal with face oils?
Using an oil to moisturize your skin is not a new concept, however we’ve started to see face oils become a more popular and mainstream product. So what’s the deal with face oils and are they worth investing in?
I say YES! I personally have used a face oil for about two years, I started with F.Miller and now use Madalyn, both small start up brands based in the GTA. I can honestly say that a face oil is now a permanent staple in my skin care routine.
Initially I was tempted to try face oils because I have very sensitive skin and I thought the natural ingredients wouldn’t be too harsh on my skin, which is definitely true.
Most face oils (not all so make sure you read the ingredients) are made of organic natural ingredients. These ingredients are nutrient dense and are a great source of antioxidants and fatty acids.
I personally find oils are a great addition to my routine however they do not check all the boxes. I use face oils for skin hydration and nutrition which helps my skin glow. I have also read that face oils have correctional results which I have found true in relation to hydration but I still use other products for fine lines, bags under my eyes and firmness.
I like to use my face oil in the morning and prefer to mix 4 drops to my daily toner. I have normal skin and I find that the face oil on it’s own is a little too thick. Water can also be used if you don’t use a toner.
If you haven’t tried face oil yet, I would strongly suggest adding this to your skin care routine.